Superstars 2.0 Day 6 – The CFPB & You/Working With Buyers/Modern Real Estate Finance
On day 6 of our Superstars 2.0 training series, we are going to touch on a lot of important issues relating to the buyers side of a real estate transaction and also the influence of the CFPB and the overall management of real estate transactions.
The CFPB & You
Coincidentally enough (ok, maybe not a coincidence) in my home state of Louisiana, this is the “mandatory” 4 hour continuing education course that every real estate agent will need to take as a part of their total continuing education for the year. The reason is simple, the influence and change of how a real estate transaction is managed continues to evolve under the new regulation environment of the CFPB.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, or ‘CFPB’ for short, was created as a result of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act in 2010. This regulatory body has taken over many important aspects of regulating the financial sector, including areas of note for real estate agents such as RESPA and TILA. As a result, in late 2015 new rules were put into effect which dramatically changed the format and flow of a real estate transaction.
On day 6 of Superstars 2.0, we will begin by going over important information that every real estate pro should know regarding the real estate transaction and how it works. We will review the forms, the timing, and other important information that agents should know concerning their real estate transactions. Remember, one of the most important functions of the real estate agent is to manage the transaction – so we will ensure that you have the expertise to do so as a real estate expert for your client!
Working With Buyers
Of course, while we argue earlier in the course that seller leads and listings are most important in terms of growing your real estate business – certainly there is plenty of room for growth by working with buyers as well. In fact, considering 91% of real estate transactions in the US involve at least one real estate agent – surely many of these involve the buyer having their own real estate agent.
We will discuss the differences between working with a buyer and working with a seller, as well as how to manage the buyer’s side of a transaction. The world of “Caveat Emptor” (or buyer beware) are long gone, and there are many laws and practices which can assist real estate pros in working with a buyer to achieve their goal of home ownership – and not getting messed over in the process!
As we continue to build your toolkit as a real estate agent, understanding how to work with buyers efficiently and effectively will be very important to any real estate pro.
Modern Real Estate Finance
In the final piece of Day 6 of Superstars 2.0, we are going to touch on the modern world of financing a real estate transaction and update you on the latest trends in mortgage finance. The reason? Simple! If you are working with buyers in any way, ensuring that they can achieve the financing to get the deal done is essential to real estate transactions. So therefore, making sure you know the latest trends in the real estate financial business is crucial to becoming a real estate expert!
For more information on Superstars 2.0 real estate training, visit the main site by clicking HERE
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